Istanbul Apparel Exporters' Association (IHKIB) Digital Transformation Center, we assist businesses in taking their first steps toward the journey of Social Compliance.
What Is Social Compliance Training?
Social Compliance Training helps businesses and employees understand ethical standards, societal values, and legal requirements. This training raises awareness of compliance at all levels of your business.
Why Social Compliance Training?
Ethical Business Culture: Social Compliance Training helps your business create an ethical business culture. Your employees' respect for ethical values enhances your company's reputation.
Risk Reduction: Training prevents your business from facing legal and financial risks. Compliance with legal requirements prevents penalties.
Competitive Advantage: Commitment to social compliance helps you gain the trust of customers and business partners, potentially increasing your market share.
Under Social Compliance Training, we offer a program tailored to the needs of your business. Here are some of the key topics covered:
Ethical Business Practices: Training provides information on what ethical behaviors are and how they can be implemented in your business processes.
Social Responsibility: It informs businesses on how they can contribute to society and the environment.
Employee Rights: The training educates on the rights of employees, ensuring justice in the workplace and human resources processes.
Sustainability and Reporting: It raises awareness of environmental impacts and sustainability.
Social Compliance Laws: It provides information on social compliance laws and regulations at the local, national, and international levels.
Supply Chain Compliance: It offers guidance on ethical and social compliance responsibilities and requirements within your supply chain.
Relevant Industry Standards: Information is shared about social compliance standards and best practices specific to your industry.
Reporting and Monitoring: Employees are taught the skills needed to monitor social compliance goals and prepare reports.
These topics form the foundation of Social Compliance Training programs. They can be customized and deepened according to the needs and goals of your business.
Social Compliance Training is the first step for your business toward an ethical and compliance-based future. As the IHKIB Digital Transformation Center, we are pleased to help your business become aware and empowered in this important area. Contact us to learn how your business can advance with Social Compliance Training.